Trainer Name

MyLL Admin

Skill Area

Management/Business Management and Corporate Governance


4.7 (20 Rating)

Course Requirements

Basic English Language Comprehension Proficiency of CEFR A2 Level

Course Description

Being bullied at work can harm both your mental and your physical health—with potential effects including major stress, anxiety, depression, trauma, high blood pressure, gastrointestinal issues, and more. Your days at the office shouldn’t be filled with aggressive communication, humiliation, and manipulation. If they are, remember first that it’s not your fault. 

This course provides essential insights into identifying and addressing workplace bullying while safeguarding professional boundaries. You will learn to recognize various types of workplace bullies and analyse the negative impacts on well-being and productivity. Through this course also you will acquire five effective strategies to deal with bullies and extend support to colleagues. Additionally, proactive measures for preventing bullying in future roles will be discussed, emphasising a culture of respect and open communication.

By the end of this course,you will be educated on the  important steps that will enable you to take care of yourself and put that bully in the past once and for all. 

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Course Outcomes

At the end of this session, you will be able to: 

1. Identify various types of workplace bullies, including but not limited to verbal aggressors, manipulative controllers, and passive-aggressive individuals

2. Analyse the negative effects and impacts of workplace bullying on personal well-being, productivity, and organisational culture, emphasising the importance of addressing such behaviours

3. Implement five effective strategies to deal with workplace bullies

4. Demonstrate the ability to extend support to colleagues experiencing workplace bullying by actively listening, offering empathy and encouragement, providing information on available resources and support channels, and advocating for a respectful work environment

5.Develop proactive measures to avoid bullying in future job roles by promoting a culture of respect and inclusivity, cultivating open communication channels within the organization

Course Curriculum

1 [HR Policy Course] Defending Workplace Bullying in a Professional Way
1 Hour 15 Min

Learner Feedback

[HR Policy Course] Defending Workplace Bullying in a Professional Way


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