You should be a solo entrepreneur who is hiring online freelancers and looking to improve your project management skills
If you are a solopreneur or a small business owner, learn project management fundamentals for small businesses, and complete your projects successfully, on time, and on budget.
- Learn business prioritization and decision-making
- Learn to use Trello productivity and project management software
- Hire the best freelancers and make sure they deliver successful projects
- Master early team building
1. Have your products go more smoothly, on time and on budget
2. Understand different software project management methodologies so you can use the right one for your project
3. Manage and complete software projects
4. Save money and time on not hiring wrong developers and not mis-managing the projects
5. Increase the chances of success for your business by properly managing your developers to ensure that the project gets completed with high quality
6. Use project management productivity tools like Trello
Basics of Project Management