Trainer Name

Arkadiusz Wlodarczyk

Skill Area

Scientific or Technical, Statistics or Research and Development


4.5 (3 Rating)

Course Requirements

1. English language 2. Code: Blocks IDE

Course Description

This course will teach you on writing more programs that will make you a great programmer. This course is also suitable for beginners as it is designed for people who do not have prior knowledge about programming.

Course Outcomes

What You'll Learn: 1. How to use C++ language in action 2. What is compiler / IDE / Variables / types of variables etc. 3. How to work with files - fstream library (i/o operation on files) 4. operators - arithmetic, assigment, logical, bitwise 5. conditions like if / else / switch 6. arrays / multi-dimensional arrays 7. functions, overloading functions, passing variables to functions etc. 8. dynamic allocation of memory 9. creating project in IDE 10. object oriented programming

Course Curriculum

1 Basics of programming

2 Variables

3 Types of Variables

4 Downloading data from the input

5 What is programming, compiler. Installing IDE

1 Arithmetic and Assigment Operators

2 Relational Operators

3 Logical Operators

4 Bitwise Operators

1 Contidtional Statements

2 Switch

3 Conditional Operator

4 Calculator - exercise

1 Arrays

2 Multidimensional Arrays

1 for

2 while and do while

3 exercises, nested loops

4 break and continue

1 pre-function Scope of Variables

2 Functions

3 Overloading functions

4 Loops and functions - exercises

5 Data Validation - exercise

1 Reference Variables in functions

2 Enum Type

3 Reference Variables

1 Pointers

2 Name of array - Pointer

3 Dynamic allocation of memory

4 Strings and a pointer on a char type

5 Functions and pointers

6 Lottery - pseudo-random numbers generator

7 Type Casting

1 Creating project, external execution of program

2 Preprocessor directives, Multi-file project

1 Friend functions

2 Data Structures and Pointers

3 Classes

4 Static variables and functions

5 Constant classes and methods

6 Friend classes

7 Copy constructor

8 Copy constructor

9 Convert constructor overloading operators

10 Inheritance between classes

11 Polymorphism, virtual functions, abstract

12 Virtual destructor

1 Function templates

2 Class templates

1 Exceptions

2 Namespaces

1 Whats next


Trainer Name

Arkadiusz Wlodarczyk

4.5 Rating
3 Reviews

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Understanding C++ Programming


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