Content Provider


Trainer Name

eQuick Learn

Skill Area

Security or Armed Services


4.8 (171 Rating)

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Course Requirements

Learners must have basic computer literacy to ensure they can actively engage with the course materials. The module contains Bahasa Melayu subtitle.

Course Description

Security guards interact with people on a daily basis. Discipline and good communication skills are fundamental to the success of a security personnel. This module focuses on the importance of keeping security guards disciplined and accountable and how to foster a disciplined culture in the workplace. The module also discusses how to cultivate good communication skills and identify the comunication barriers in the private security profession. 

This is an interactive e-module with engaging scenarios and quizzes to helps learners apply concepts to workplace examples, enhance understanding and retention of the materials taught.

Course Outcomes

At the end of this module, learners will be able to:

  • recognise the importance of discipline and communication skills in the security profession
  • discuss ways to stay disciplined at work
  • identify the essential elements of effective communication as well as communication barriers

Course Curriculum

1 Security Guard e-Learning Series: Discipline and Effective Communication
1 Hour

Security guards interact with people on a daily basis. Discipline and good communication skill are fundamental to the success of a security personnel. This module emphasizes on the importance of keeping security disciplined and accountable by providing ways to create a disciplined culture in the workplace. Secondly, the module discusses three main types of communication and how communication skills contribute to the success of a security guard.

Learner Feedback

Security Guard e-Learning Series: Discipline and Effective Communication (Interactive)


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