Trainer Name

Alex Genadinik

Skill Area

Personal Development


4.6 (700 Rating)

Course Requirements

Be excited to tap into real sources of motivation that will inspire you to do great work!

Course Description

Get amazing short-term and long-term motivation that will transform and inspire you to do great work.

If you have projects to work on and responsibilities on which you always seem to be procrastinating because you just can't seem to find the motivation, this is the ideal course for you.

After having helped thousands of entrepreneurs, I noticed a very common reason for their failure: they simply were not motivated to do the work that they needed to do in order to succeed.

Why weren't they motivated? It was often because they were simply working on the wrong kinds of businesses, or maybe starting a business wasn't even for them.

Many people make the mistake of pursuing some random goals in life that they think are their strong goals, but those goals turn out to be false goals that are often given to them by others or by society's pressures.

Of course, if you work on the wrong things, you won't find the right intrinsic motivation to stay excited about your work long term. This is why people often lack motivation.

So in this motivation course, I give you strategies to get short-term motivation to start working today, and strategies to get long-term motivation to work passionately for years to come.

Course Outcomes

1. Get long-term motivation
2. Get short-term motivation
3. Learn to look deeper inside yourself to uncover your true motivation and life path
4. Get more done with the right motivation and enjoy your work more
5. Unlock more fulfillment from your work and your work will become easier
6. Produce higher quality work when you are excited about it

Course Curriculum

1 Motivation Welcome Sept 2020.mp4

2 Story From Distoevsky.mp4

3 Ziegarnki Effect.mp4

4 Four Happiness Hormones.mp4

5 Sleep And Productivity.mp4

6 Sleep Research From 2019.mp4

7 Exercise Nicer Shorter April2021.mp4

8 Calendaring Regular Tasks For Habit And Motivation April 2021 With Research.mp4

9 Checklist For Motivation With Life Work Balance.mp4

10 Checklist For Motivation With Life Work Balance_nodate.mp4

11 Case Study Of How I Get Motivation.mp4

12 2-Marshmellow Test.mp4

13 Examples Of Motivation And Procrastination.mp4

14 Fifteen Short Term Motivators.mp4

15 Motivation Pitfall When Adjusting Strategy.mp4

16 Goal Setting Introduction.mp4

17 Example Of Goals And Choosing Right Ones.mp4

18 Geneology Of Life Purpose.mp4

19 Introduction To Life Purpose.mp4

20 1-Goal Setting Exercise.mp4

21 2-Goal Setting Exercise Answer.mp4

22 3-What To Do If You Have Many Goals Exercise.mp4

23 4-What To Do If You Have Many Goals Exercise Answer.mp4

24 5-What To Do If You Have Many Goals Exercise Answer Two.mp4

25 Starting With Mind fulness Unexamined Life Not Worth Living.mp4

26 Two Mindfulness Exercises.mp4

27 Mindfulness Vs Distractions Nicer Shorter May 2021.mp4

28 Life Purpose Challenge.mp4

29 Note Taking Apps.mp4

30 How To Do To Do Lists Correctly.mp4

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